Tuesday 16 February 2016

Basic Spanish lessons for English speakers

Among the many things I do, I also teach Spanish.
I decided to make a series of Spanish video lessons for English speakers. Being fluent at a native level in both languages, I know how to best explain things to English speakers, so that they can understand Spanish properly.

The first video was 20 minutes long, but I didn't know that Youtube only allows 15 minute videos for a basic account, so I had to break it up in two parts after I had already completed it.
The first part explains the alphabet and how to pronounce things. The second part goes into certain rules pertaining some of the letters in Spanish.

This is intended for absolute beginners in Spanish.

I will follow up with more lessons.

Here is part one 

Here's part two

The reverse turning kick - Ushiro Mawashi Geri - Bandae Dollyo Chagy

Tips on how to do a reverse turning kick

I have been practicing martial arts since I was a kid, its been 23 years now. I worked as a martial arts instructor and one of the kicks that many people seem to have trouble with is the reverse turning kick.
This kick in Japan is known as Ushiro Mawashi Geri, and in Korea Bandae Dollyo Chagy.
It's actually one of my favorite kicks, and I tend to use it a lot when sparring.

Many people have asked me for tips to improve their kicking skills, so I decided to make a video for this particular one because it's one of the techniques that people most ask me about.
On this video I break it down into small steps and also address some of the common mistakes people do when learning this kick. I have noticed these common mistakes through observing people over and over at the Dojo / Dojang.

One thing I forgot to mention, is that the key to balance and power comes from feeling your center of gravity which is right beneath the navel. It is the hips that must control the whole movement.

I recorded this with a small digital photo camera, and the narration on my laptop with the onboard microphone. So it doesn't look so fancy. Nevertheless the quality of the information provided is very good.